The Silent Rivers of Arizona

INFO 526 - Fall 2023 - Project Final

Graph Gurus

We all use it carelessly…

Arizona is becoming a dry state

The Condition of Arizona…

Arizona State

Our Data set

Our Data set

  • The Arizona Drought Conditions Dataset is a comprehensive collection of data that provides crucial insights into short-term and long-term drought conditions in various counties within the state of Arizona.

  • The data is sourced from the Arizona Drought Monitoring Technical Committee, which convenes weekly to advise the U.S. Drought Monitor authors on the current drought conditions in Arizona.

First Question

What are the most affected areas in Arizona ??

The Code

# Reactive value to store the selected county
  selected_county <- reactiveVal(NULL)
  # Update selected county on map click
    click_latlng <- input$map_shape_click
    if (!is.null(click_latlng)) {
      # Create an sf point object with the correct CRS
      click_point <- st_sfc(st_point(c(click_latlng$lng, click_latlng$lat)), crs = st_crs(arizona_counties))
      # Find intersection between point and counties
      intersecting_counties <- st_intersection(arizona_counties, click_point)
      # Take the first intersecting county (you might want to handle multiple results differently)

The Plot

The Second Question…

How has the severity of draught changed over time in Arizona.

The Plots

Third Question…

Is there a correlation between drought severity and certain times of the year?

What we got…

Long Term

Short Term